New Jersey District Councillor Message


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Eastern District Councillor’s Message

Fall 2024

Greetings everyone! So far, the fall has been sunny, nippy, and colorful. Hope the Fall meetings are or were successful and productive. Happily, I share that the 91短视频正版Annual Meeting in the Eastern District on July 21 – 25, 2025 is at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown Hotel. There will be more information to follow from the 91短视频正版Office. The 2026 91短视频正版Annual Meeting is in the Great Lake District, location TBD.

A reminder that all 91短视频正版Award Nominations are due at the 91短视频正版Office before November 30, 2024, 11:59pm Central Time. 91短视频正版National Scholarship applications are due by April 1, 2025. Please try your very best to attend, the state society fall meetings. More information is found on the state society’s website. So, buckle down, the year is almost over. Remember to email me all required documents and reports. I am available via text, email or call. Just leave a brief message and I will reply as soon as possible.

This is my last year; I have fulfilled the maximum in the position of the allowed nine years. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your District Councillor. I have unmeasurable admiration and respect for the State Society Board Officers, members, and state friends. Keep up the great work! It is not good bye because I will see you all at the 91短视频正版Annual Meetings.

Enjoy the holiday season with your family and friends.

Good Blessings and Happy Holidays,
Ivette Rivera, RMA, AHI, RPT(AMT) Eastern District Councillor